The list of documents on the treatment of citizens:

- Act of July 18, 2011 №300 -3 "On citizens and legal persons", adopted by the House of Representatives 24.06.11, approved by the Council of 30 июня 2011 г.

- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus 30.12.11 №1786 "On Approval of the order of office work on the appeals of citizens and legal persons in public bodies and other organizations, individual entrepreneurs"


- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus 28.06.11 №854 "On some issues of work with citizens and legal entities"


- Instructions for the organization of work with citizens and legal entities, the book of comments and suggestions of personal reception of citizens and their representatives of legal entities in the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee and its structural divisions. (Decision of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee 5.01.12 №1-7)

Официальный интернет-портал Президента РБ Министерство образования РБ Руспубликанский портал Управление образования Могилёвского облисполкома Могилёвский областной исполнительный комитет Детский правовой сайт Национальный правовой интеренет-портал